Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Sub-Human Grease Trap to Head State Department

Lying Chevron employee Condoleeza Rice was feted by the Senate today with only one serious questioner in the person of Barbara Boxer who was brave enough and thoroughly prepared to wade through the sewer of deceit which is Condoleeza Rice. Condi lied and lied and lied and even had the temerity to suggest that Barbara's questions impugned her tortured relationship with credibility and the truth. Undeterred by the incredible baseless stance of Rice, Boxer steadfastly held the line and refused to be bullied by the most visible grease trap of the Bush Empire. Bravo Barbara! Shame on you Chris Dodd for not joining in voting against the confirmation, ditto to you Russ Feingold, ditto to you Joe Biden although I never expect much from someone like yourself who is so blind to the horrors of the Israeli State Terror Machine that you go on record supporting those stinking Israeli occupiers. But for you John Kerry who carried the banner of your party to resounding defeat I ask you to leave the Senate forever for your straw man candidacy has given democratic representative government the dagger to the heart from which it cannot recover. For you it was a safe symbolic vote, much in the manner of your campaign which left 50 million dollars unspent in the most important election in the history of the modern world.

Get out of the way John Kerry and go home to mother Teresa who may still yet disown your sorry ass.